Specialised Risk Management program for Golf Clubs. 

This program has been developed for Golf Australia to apply specifically to regional and small club members.

It is a cost-effective tool to assist you in identifying and actioning non-conformance issues in easy steps and with the assistance of your GA Member and Facilities manager.

The Assessment

The assessment is an online questionnaire that can be completed on any device (computer, laptop, smart device or tablet).  Using a touch screen would be advantageous as a high percentage of the questions are formatted to be Yes, No, N/A or Ask me later responses.  The questionnaire is completed one page at a time and  has the functionality to pause and log back in at any time. 

To simplify the process the assessment has been broken into 3 phases. 

Phase 1 

Register and pay for your risk program, a login and password will be forwarded to the registered email address. 

Work your way through the questionnaire, remember to save and exit if you need to complete in stages. 

Assessment report 

Upon completion of the questions you will automatically receive a completed assessment report which will show every question and how you have answered it.  It will also provide a hint or solution on how you can address the issues raised.   

Action plan 

At this stage you can also download your personalised action plan. This is a word document that can be used to sign off on completed tasks.  You could also use this document to disperse actions to different people for completion. 

Phase 2 & 3 

You use your existing login and password for all phases.   

When you have completed the Phase 2 your generated assessment report will include all Phase 1 and Phase 2 questions and answers, your action plan will include Phase 2 only. 

Repeat the process for Phase 3, Congratulations – the assessment report on completion will be the entire program. 

Annual undertaking 

The risk management program provides you with percentage (%) of compliance score.  By completing the program annually, you are monitoring your continuous improvement and providing the opportunity for newly introduced regulations or Golf Australia required information to be updated within the program. 

Benchmarking and data collection 

the benefits to associations & clubs is paramount.  The program can provide benchmarking data that can be crucial to forward planning, providing gap analysis on areas of concern and requirement of funding or training needs within clubs.  This data will assist Golf Australia in providing solutions and training for our membership base through our Member and Facilities team. 

Golf Australia 

is proud to partner with Risk Management Essentials with our specialised program for managing risk within Golf Clubs.  This was founded to assist boards, committees and management to understand the scope of their responsibilities not just for legal duties and legislative reasons but also to identify areas which have the potential for reputational damage.